When you're hosting an event, you've got plenty on your mind. You don't need to add cooking to your plate as well. That's why Sage's Smokehouse BBQ offers BBQ catering in Broussard, LA. We have an extensive catering menu, so you can choose your favorite foods.
Call (337) 504-7410 now for a BBQ catering package quote. You'll need to pay a 50%, non-refundable deposit ahead of time, and we'll need the rest of your payment the day before or the day of your event.
If you want BBQ catering for your next event, you can't go wrong with us. Besides our delectable catering menu, many of our customers choose us because we:
Having some of our staff members at your event to serve everyone can make your guests feel special. For more information on our BBQ catering packages, reach out to us now.
513 West Main Street, Broussard, LA 70518 | (337) 504-7410
Monday-Friday: 10:00am-6:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am-12:00pm
Sunday (Drive through Only): 11:00am-2:00pm